One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A postmodern masterpiece. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Margarita Stchetinskayafrom Russia

Margarita was born in 1985 in Moscow (Russia). In 2006 she met Ilya and they had an instant full match of literary interests and creative aspirations. Since then, the Zilasaule collective was formed. Their first book titled “Notes and Sketches Concerning Second Trip along Blue Sun Island” was published in 2010. At present they leisurely travel through the world and keep on working on new books, illustration and graphic design stuff.

Why this work

“One Hundred Years of Solitude. This book stands on the shelve in my head apart from all other books I’ve ever read and deeply felt. I can’t say it is my favourite book. Nevertheless after ten years passed since I’d read it I’m still under influence of it. This book seems not just like a book, but like an object: a stone or a mountain which simultaneously is a man and a word.”