Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

The one with the Slough of Despond and Vanity Fair. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Jeroen De Moenfrom Belgium

Jeroen “Yasin” Demoen was born in Belgium in 1972. He studied some art at Sint-Lucas in Gent and graduated in tourism in Mechelen. He’s a designer of soft toys and has been living in a small town in Turkey for almost 20 years.

Why this work

When I joined the DoeDeMee Project I received “A pilgrim’s progress” as title. Oh irony, I had one of the most famous Christian books... while living in a Muslim country. The Turkish version I found had a cover with a picture of a man kneeling, praying in front of a cross. That is enough for most Muslims to not even touch that book... Pilgrimage exists in every religion and so I decided to change the cover into one that looks like if it was a book for Muslims. There should be no reason why some books wouldn’t be read because of religious beliefs.