Wise Children by Angela Carter

A theatrical extravaganza by a brilliant exponent of magic realism. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Ole Jakob Bøe Skattumfrom Norwegia

He is a 31 year old artist from Norway, who lives in Oslo. Ole works in an advertising agency called TRY as a visualizer. He is a Photoshop, 3D, photo and illustrator geek and has been like this for about 13 years now. “As I work in advertising, my work is often fast and short lived. That makes the opportunity to work on a project like this so good: I can take time to do my best and really challenge my self in the process” he says.

Why this work

“When I chose the book Wise Children by Angela Carter, I did not know anything about the book or the author. It was one of the main reasons I chose it. I did not want a story I knew, and had seen dozens of covers of before. The book is told through the twins Nora and Dora and tells the story of their life and family. The story of all the people and how their lives are connected, is what really stuck in my mind. Therefor I wanted to picture the many relations in the book. I have shown the intrigues and strange family connections with colours and shapes normally associated statistics and facts. At the bottom is a guide that shows “how to read” the poster.”