Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M. Coetzee

Bleak but haunting allegory of apartheid by the Nobel prizewinner. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Sarah Woutersfrom Belgium

After graduating from the Academy of Art in Ghent (Belgium) and winning their prestigious ‘distinction award’ with her final year project, she has been working for over fifteen years now as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator. Her work has covered both magazine covers, brochures, posters, CD-covers, advertising and children’s books. She works loose without no restraints and enjoys how her style translates into the vectorised world of computer images. Her enthusiasm for illustration comes through her quirky alternative view on life viewed through her wonky Sarah shaped glasses.

Why this work

“‘Barbarians’ are a silly thing if you think about it, and yet still today they represent the anxiety we all have when confronted with the unknown (here they come!!!). I wanted simply to illustrate how ridiculous those stereotypes are and make fun of what isn’t really scary at all.”